
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Does Family Guy & American Dad show predictions for tragedies

Alot of people who are big Family Guy or American Dad fans know that 
Seth MacFarlane created the show but, does his shows show predictions for tragedies like 9/11 or Boston Marathon. He also has other shows one is a spinoff from Family Guy called The Cleveland Show which was based off of
Cleveland Brown there were not really some predictions but some Illuminati symbolism same with American Dad & Family Guy. So here is the first Tragedy 

Boston Marathon Bombing

The prediction was on the episode banned by Fox called "Turban Cowboy

The episode is where Peter goes skydiving then gets addicted to the feeling so keeps doing it then he ends up in the hospital with a Muslim as a roommate who he befriends then joins his group which later figures out it is a terrorist group. 

    Radio Host & Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones puts the beginning scene where Peter says "That's better than when I won that marathon" when the news guy asks him how did you win he said "well" then he skipped to when he gave him a cell phone thats a bomb detonator & then he dials a number 1st explosion then 2nd explosion. 

   It was later unbanned it is now viewable on Netflix, Hulu, Adult Swim,  Fox , & TBS.

Paul Walker Death

"Family Guy"

Alot of you might've saw the episode "Life of Brian" where Brian gets hit by a car & dies. And didn't Paul walker die from a car crash. His name on Fast & Furious is Brian so the family guy episode was released a couple days before Paul walker died so was the Paul walker death planned well what about 

"American Dad"

There is this one episode of American Dad where Steve & his friends find a crashed airplane where they find the director, Paul Walker & Vin Diesel dead in the plane. Where he was holding the script to Fast & Furious 7 which Paul would've worked on before he died or he was working on & this episode was released about a year ago before Fast 6 even got in theaters 

So what do think was his death planned?

Illuminati Symbolism
"Family Guy"
(All seeing Eye)
Illuminati book next to "The God Delusion"
Representiesed as Hell & cult sacrifice & canabolism
"American Dad"
There was this whole episode on the Illuminati called 
"Black History Month"
The symbol is in the peanut butter but to protect the illuminati image & for this not to be unaired it had to be a peanut instead of an eye
They say in the episode Stan is part of the illuminati he has a tattoo of the symbol he is in the CIA
The chamber is under Abe Lincoln's chair in The White House, Washington DC
It shows in a church the devil's number "666

"The Cleveland Show"
This whole episode called "Menace II Secret Society" which talks about the Hip-Hop Illuminati.

Which the members are Bruno Mars, 
?uest,, Nicki Minaj, & Kanye West

So is Seth MacFarlane in the Illuminati? 

Is he liying that he is an atheist & really a satinist? 

Does Family Guy & American Dad Show predictions to tragic events? 

Was Paul Walker killed but The illuminati by hacking his car?

Did Seth MacFarlane Know the Boston Marathon was going to be attacked?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Who is the NSA

The NSA stands for National Security Agency which is a spy agency like FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), & FCC (Federal Communications Commission) that are funded by the government. The NSA is an agency that spies on you Through your Skype, iPhone, Phone Calls, iPod, Twitter, X-Box, TV, Emails, Facebook
Google Earth, Google Maps, & way more ways.
I don't know about you but I don't think I like the government spying on you. The NSA started around 1947 about when World War II we basically got it because they wanted to keep us safe but is it really keeping us safe. They are budgeted like $5 Billion a year they have like $30 Billion they spend about $1.5 on spygear for us a month. I think The government should stay out of our private stuff like our iPhone, Twitter, Instagram, Emails, & other stuff. It is now getting more popular now South Park did a whole episode about the NSA & another about the TSA. If there isn't something done about this were going to have no rights left as Americans. 

So lets see 

The "NSA"
•Spies on Us
The "FCC"
•Tries to take out our freedom of speech by censoring it
The "TSA"
•Tries to make going on a plane as hard as possible
•Tries to take away our guns (2nd Amendment) "Our Right To Bare Arms (Guns)"

If we don't do something were going to break as a nation. So if your reading this try to tell as much people as possible about this get the word out or our country will have as much rights as China or Russia.
-Conspiracy Leaks

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

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-Conspiracy Leaks